15 Favourites

Farooj Abo Al-Abd

Contract Duration
10 Years
Investment Amount
from 300K to 750K SR
Franchise Fee
Number of Branches
Country of Origin
Franchise Type
Brand Establishment Date
Required/Expected Capital Amount
Food and Beverage
Is there a specific location for the opportunity?
Ongoing Administration Fees
8 %

Brand Activity Description

Farouj Abo El Abd is one of the parent brands at Aseer Time, an international food and beverage company with hundreds of outlets across the Middle East and other global destinations. Farouj Abo El Abd was named after the popular Lebanese folkloric figure, Abu al-Abd al-Beiruti, who is well-known for sharing happiness through his funny story-telling

General Information

Training and Support available for the franchisee

The training Cheif usually spent two weeks to train the staff on site.

Required Criteria for Accepting Franchisee

Has Financial Coverage

Financial solvency

Have the financial capability to finiance the project ( the average cost is 500,000 SR )

Headquarter Address

Kuwait , Al Murqab , block 10 , Ali AlMullah Tower, Floor 18