Brokers Licensing Service

Brokers Licensing Service

The service aims to raise the knowledge and skills of franchise brokers by providing an integrated qualification program for those wishing to obtain a license to practice franchise brokerage business.

Service Target Groups:

Individuals with specialized experience in the franchise industry

Law Firms

Consulting Companies

Marketing Companies

Service Objectives

Regulate the Franchise Broker industry

Preserving rights of Franchise parties.

Brand Marketing

Developing the capabilities of brokers

Empowering Franchise Brokers

Define Franchise laws and agreements


15 working days from the date the application is completed, then decides whether to approve the application, in case the application is not approved a statement of the reasons will be included.

The license period shall be valid for three years, renewable for similar periods by the provisions of Article (8) of the controls.

1- Submit a request to renew the license no less than 90 days before its expiration date. 

2- The following are required to renew the license

  1. Licensing requirements continue to apply.
  2. Providing proof of practicing franchise broker-related activities.

The center’s issuance of a Broker License does not constitute a contractual relationship, partnership, or any type of direct or indirect business relationship between the center and the brokers or those dealing with them.

Yes, it is not permitted for any individual to participate in the Franchise Brokerage Services without being licensed by the Franchise Center to do so.

The licensee must submit a request to terminate the Broker License according to the following conditions:

  1. Submission of an application to terminate the license at least 60 days from the termination date and include a statement of the reasons for termination.
  2. To complete - before applying - all work, rights, and obligations resulting from its submission.
  3. A licensee may not request the termination of the Broker License if there are outstanding complaints against them. 

How to Obtain the Service


Login to the Platform


Submission of the application


Completion of the qualifying program


Pass the test " in-person"


Obtaining the license

Broker license service request

You can apply now for a franchise broker license

verify franchise broker license

The license issued by the center can now be verified